Hi there 👋

I am MatÄ›j Eliáš, an IT researcher, graphics programming enthusiast, hobby game-dev, and master’s student of digital image processing and computer graphics. Currently, I am working on my own graphics engine and supporting tools such as VulkanSurfer. You can see my projects or read my posts below.

Dynamic rendering in Vulkan 1.3

Introduction In this article, we explore the VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering extension, which eliminates the need for VkRenderPass and VkFramebuffer objects. By using this extension, rendering attachments (commonly referred to as render targets in other APIs) can be directly referenced before rendering begins. How It Works Before Dynamic Rendering Previously, Vulkan required you to create a render pass, specifying the types of attachments to be used. Subpass dependencies could also be defined to handle attachment transitions after the render pass finishes. For example, a subpass could transition a color attachment from VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL to VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL, allowing the attachment to be used as input in another pass. ...

January 2, 2025 Â· 4 min Â· 838 words Â· Matej Elias